Batch Access Database Compactor Keygen 2023.15.928.2481 Download Free

The Batch Access Database Compactor Keygen is an incredibly useful tool for Microsoft Access administrators and developers. Regularly compacting and repairing Access databases is crucial for maintaining performance and space efficiency as databases grow large over time.

This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about the Access Database Compactor. You’ll learn what compacting does, when you should use it, how to run it manually or on a schedule, performance considerations, troubleshooting problems, and alternative methods for reclaiming wasted space.

What Does Compacting an Access Database Do?

  • Defragments and reorganizes tables and indexes so data is stored in contiguous pages instead of fragmented all over
  • Reclaims unused and wasted storage space from all database objects like tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules
  • Significantly improves overall database performance like faster queries and less corruption

Compacting restructures and optimize databases that have become bloated and disorganized through continual use, alterations, and deletions. It’s one of the most important things you can do as an Access admin.

Batch Access Database Compactor Keygen

Top Reasons to Compact Your Access Database

Here are the top reasons you should periodically compact your Access databases:

  • Decreased Performance: As databases grow in size through additions and modifications, data becomes increasingly fragmented on the data pages. Queries have to work harder to reconstruct information spread out everywhere. Compacting defragments and reorders data so it’s faster to read and access.
  • Significant Unused Space: Additions and deletions leave behind pockets of unused space across database objects. This bloats the file size well beyond what is actively being stored. Compacting eliminates the gaps and shrinks databases down to just occupied space.
  • After Major Deletions or Alterations: Bulk deleting records leaves behind large swaths of empty pages. Altering fields and data types also shifts things around. Compact afterward to reclaim space and order data.
  • On a Regular Maintenance Schedule: Even without major changes, continual additions and modifications inevitably lead to disorganization. Schedule compacting routinely to prevent gradual performance decline.

Including compacting as part of standard database administration is crucial for maintaining speed and space savings long-term.

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Manual Compacting vs Automatic Compacting

The Batch Access Database Compactor Free download can be accessed manually for one-off compacting of specific databases or automated to run on a recurring schedule:

Manual Compacting

  • Initiating compacting manually gives you precise control over when it occurs. This is helpful prior to big migrations or application distribution.
  • Allows compacting ad-hoc whenever degradation is noticed without waiting on a schedule.
  • Requires administrators to remember and take initiative to actively run compactor periodically.

Automatic Compacting

  • Set compacting to run automatically on a recurring interval through database properties.
  • Ensures compacting reliability since it operates independently without human intervention.
  • Interval-based compactor can only be set globally across all databases, not customized schedules for individual databases.
  • Unexpected compact operations can happen which may temporarily disrupt users.

In most real-world cases, utilizing both manual compactor executions in addition to an automated interval schedule provides a robust maintenance regimen.

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How Often Should You Compact Access?

With automatic compacting, Microsoft recommends conservative intervals of:

  • Weekly for high-use databases with continual transactions
  • Monthly for moderately-used systems
  • Quarterly for archival or read-only databases

However, ideal frequency depends on specific database workloads. Assess usage patterns and storage growth rates to decide appropriate schedules.

Manually compact more aggressively before monthly or quarterly automated compactor dates to further boost optimizations. Compressing right before distribution also maximizes speed.

How Does the Access Database Compactor Work?

When compacting and repairing a database, the compactor module:

  1. Makes a temporary copy of the database
  2. Transfers tables, indexes, relations and other objects into tightly packed pages without fragmentation
  3. Removes any orphaned, unused space throughout database pages
  4. Writes optimized tables back to original database file, overwriting original
  5. Releases reclaimed space back to the operating system for other usage

This defragmentation sorts data into an orderly fashion optimized for performance. Related records are now sequentially stored in groups that are quicker to query rather than spread randomly across disparate pages.

Fragmented data requires more drive seeks to assemble related information. Like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Optimized databases allow reading the data pages in order without jumping around as much.

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What’s Created During Compact and How Long Does It Take?

  • The compactor generates temporary database files (.tmp) matching current database size when restructuring. So double the space is required during the process. These intermediary files get removed automatically once compacting completes.
  • Compressing occupies significant CPU and IO while rewriting entire databases. Time to complete correlates with total database size and number of objects. Typical range is 2 minutes for small 50MB databases to over 2+ hours for large multi-GB databases. Schedule accordingly during periods of low usage to avoid application disruption.
  • Consider splitting back-end data from front-end application interface to more efficiently compact only data tables excluding interface objects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Manually Compacting a Database

Follow these steps to manually compact and repair databases in Access:

  1. Close All Database Objects: Ensure no users or applications have the database open in the background. Compacting cannot commence while objects are open.
  2. Initiate Compact: Under the Database Tools tab, select Compact and Repair Database then check Compact the database. Repair is optional but recommended.
  3. Run Compactor: The process launches displaying the database name and location. Once complete, underlying database objects get fully optimized.
  4. Reopen Database: After verifying success, reopen tables, queries and other objects to resume usage. The compacted database is now faster and smaller.

Routinely compacting large, dynamic databases through manual processes like this is vital for continued speed.

Scheduling Automatic Database Compacting

For hands-free database maintenance, Microsoft Access enables configuring automatic scheduled compacting:

  1. Access Database Properties: Click Database Properties on the File menu then navigate to the Compact on Close property tab.
  2. Enable Auto Compact Setting: Check the box to Compact the database when closing to activate auto compacting.
  3. Set Compact Interval: Further configure how often using the Compact interval setting, like weekly or monthly.
  4. Save Changes: Save and close database properties so auto compacting takes effect on close based on interval defined.

Now the database will incrementally compact itself each time it shuts down according to the automated schedule.

However, there is no native way to customize more precise schedules per database. The automated interval gets applied to all databases. For database-specific schedules, rely on manual compacting.

How Does Compacting Affect Database Performance?

The database optimization process has notable impacts while running that administrators should factor in:

  • As the compactor restructures database objects, it exclusively locks out the database preventing access. This leads to disruption and errors if users attempt to read or write during this period. Schedule automated compaction during nights, weekends or periods of inactivity.
  • CPU and IO usage spike significantly during the most intense rewriting phases. This may slow other concurrent tasks on the server depending on hardware resources.
  • Once compacting concludes, some queries may run slightly slower immediately after compact as indexes and caches rebuild. Performance should rebound quickly.
  • To avoid production impact, initial testing should occur on copies of databases. Restore compacted versions after verifying to minimize downtime.

While compacting requires planning for periods of unavailability, optimized databases prevent long-term slowdowns.

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Multi-User Database Compacting Considerations

For databases deployed across multiple front-end users, compacting introduces challenges like mid-process crashes causing corruption. Solutions include:

  • Schedule Compacting Sessions: Set all automatic and manual compactions after hours, overnight or during weekends when users are minimized. Restrict user access through application enforcement if possible.
  • Temporarily Disable Antivirus Scans: Defender or other antivirus software scanning database files during rewrite sequences often crash compactor. Add exclusions beforehand.
  • Split Back-End and Front-End: Rather than compacting the full database containing forms, reports and other interface items, detach and just compact the back-end data tables to save time and avoid application objects from crashing sessions.

Building even brief periods of structural exclusivity through scheduling reduces compact and repair failures for multi-user systems. Fully stopping database usage guarantees stability but is not always operationally feasible 24/7.

Troubleshooting Database Compactor Problems

In some circumstances, database issues can occur when compacting:

  • Data Corruption: If users somehow access the database mid-process before compactor completely restructures objects, subsequent queries may return corrupt data or errors since objects are half-written.
  • Failed Compactions: Anti-virus software, unexpected crashes, unclosed objects or excessive fragmentation that cannot be reorganized may lead to failed compactions. This leaves database half-optimized needing repeat attempt.
  • Lost Data: Extreme cases like power loss during compaction may cause irrecoverable data loss if partially written data cannot be correctly deciphered after reboot.
  • Automated Compacting Stopping Unexpectedly: Developers report the AutoCompact property reverting itself to False randomly stopping intended scheduled compactions.

If encountering any compactor challenges like above, address with:

  • Run Repair: If minor corruption surfaces, run repair immediately after compact finishes to rebuild table links and indexes.
  • Increase Resources: Resolve failed sessions by adding CPU cores, expanding temp storage, increasing RAM allocation to the database process.
  • Full Backups Before & After: Always have backups before optimizing. If serious data loss happens, you can revert database to last known good state rather than losing months of records.
  • Review DB Architecture: Scaling up hardware can only help so much if the underlying database structure is profoundly broken. Refactor design to prevent further issues.
  • Use CompactCopyInstead Method: Developers fixing bugs with AutoCompact reliability recommend invoking CompactCopyInstead method which forces full duplication avoiding partial failures.

Thorough troubleshooting and preventative measures minimize the risk of database optimizer failures.

Improving Compactor Speed for Large Databases

Given compacting locks out databases for extended periods depending on size, any techniques to expedite the process help minimize downtime:

  • Exclude All Forms, Reports, Macros: Compacting only tables and modules with essential data speeds rewrite time by ignoring interface items unlikely to fragment heavily that bloat databases.
  • Delete Archived Records: Deleting old records no longer referenced before compacting shrinks database volume allowing faster compaction.
  • Upgrade Server Hardware: More CPU cores and RAM reduces duration by parallelizing compression tasks. Solid state drives also vastly accelerate read/write operations.
  • Close All Connections: More users and queries tax IO bandwidth available to compactor. Enforce closing rather than relying on users to dismount databases before optimizing.

Combining deletions, object exclusion, hardware upgrades and vigilantly closing connections enables large enterprise database compactions in under an hour rather two or three.

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Alternative Methods to Recapture Storage Space

If declining performance and bloating size demands storage improvements beyond compacting, several options exist:

Method Description Use When
Archiving Export old, unused records to separate archive database to reduce size Must preserve inactive records due to compliance
Deleting Records Permanently delete swaths of extraneous records No legal need to keep expired records
Storage Settings Reduce column width, shorthand text, or limit attachment sizes Large amount of oversized fields
Back-End Split Isolate rarely accessed data tables, trim interface items Custom front-end forms and reports bulk up backend
  • Archiving: This extracts older records into a dedicated archive database while preserving them for compliance needs in case they must be accessed, but removes bulk from primary database.
  • Deletions: Deleting expired or obsolete records outright rather than just flagging as inactive quickly frees up reallocated pages.
  • Storage Settings: Greatly reducing field container sizes through shorthand text and smaller width/length maximums regains cumulative space of oversized columns.
  • Back-End Split: The backend contains only data tables stripped of interface items like forms and reports that consume substantial space unnecessarily when users only interact with front-end.

Determine which combination to use based on use-cases around ingest rate, retention policies, interface complexity, and team skill level.

Key Takeaways on Database Compaction

  • The Access Database Compactor defragments bloated databases by reordering fragmented objects into optimized pages
  • It also recoups substantial storage space wasted by deletions, unused object space and other drift over time
  • Compacting both manually and on automated schedules provides robust database optimization
  • Time compact jobs during periods of minimal usage to avoid disrupting performance
  • Test in non-production environments first to catch any errors

Regularly compacting Access databases keeps performance reliably fast while controlling storage bloat as data continually accumulates. The compactor should run standardly as part of proactive database administration.

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