Es Computing Editplus Activation key v5.7.4587 Free Download + Keygen

Es Computing Editplus Activation key is a versatile text and code editor for Windows that provides a lightweight and customizable environment for writing code, web development, and editing text. Developed by ES Computing, Editplus has been around since 1999 and remains popular thanks to its affordability, extensive language support, and loyal user base.

What is Es Computing Editplus Activation key?

Es Computing Editplus Full version crack is a text editor and code editor for Windows with a wide range of features tailored towards coding and web development. It provides syntax highlighting, code folding, autocompletion, macros and more for simplifying and accelerating development workflows.

Unlike heavyweight integrated development environments (IDEs), Editplus is designed to be lightweight and fast. The streamlined interface helps you focus on writing code without the complexity of more feature-packed editors.

Editplus supports all major programming and markup languages out of the box, including:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • SQL
  • XML

It’s an affordable option targeted at coders and developers who want a simple, customizable, and lightweight text editor with robust functionality for coding.

Es Computing Editplus Activation key

Key Features of Editplus

Es Computing Editplus Activation key packs a ton of useful features into its streamlined interface:

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and dozens of other major programming languages helps improve code readability and catch errors. Custom syntax highlighting can be added for other languages.

Code Folding

Quickly fold and unfold sections of code to simplify organization and navigate between functions and classes in large files.


Autocomplete suggests code snippets, keywords, variable names, functions and more as you type to speed up coding.

Customizable Interface

Fully customize the look and layout with different themes, fonts, toolbar icons and keyboard shortcuts configured to your preferences.


Record and replay macros to automate repetitive development tasks. Great for streamlining workflows.

Powerful Search and Replace

Robust text searching and replacing across multiple files, including support for regular expressions.

Multi-File Editing

Work with multiple documents open in tabbed view to quickly jump between files.

FTP Browser

The built-in FTP client lets you manage files and folders directly on your web server.

Spell Checking

Catch typos and spelling mistakes in code comments, web copy and plain text.

Document Map

Get an instant outline overview of document structure and quickly navigate between sections.

Clipboard History

Editplus stores a history of copied text and code snippets for easy access.

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SolidWorks 2023 Activation key SP5.0 Full Version

Editing Code and Text with Editplus

Es Computing Editplus Activation key excels as a lightweight code editor for web development and programming. It’s similar to Notepad++ but offers more robust functionality focused on coding.

The extensive syntax highlighting system detects code from HTML, CSS and JavaScript to PHP, Python, C++ and more. This makes code much easier to read and review.

Code folding lets you collapse sections like functions, classes, loops and comments to simplify complex code. This is invaluable when dealing with large script and stylesheet files.

The autocompletion popups speed up coding by suggesting syntax, keywords, variables and more as you type. For example, when typing HTML it suggests elements and attributes.

Developers can also make use of the powerful macro system to record and replay sequences of actions. This is great for automating repetitive coding workflows and tasks.

Beyond programming, Download free Es Computing Editplus can handle any type of text editing for tweaking configuration files, editing Markdown or plain text documents, and more.

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Customizing Editplus

Part of the appeal of Free download Es Computing Editplus Activation key is the fully customizable interface. The options for customization include:

  • Editor themes – Choose from over two dozen editor color schemes or create your own.

  • Toolbars – Show, hide or rearrange toolbar icons as desired.

  • Keyboard shortcuts – Assign custom hotkeys for actions and tools.

  • Tabs & panels – Configure the tab, sidebar and statusbar layout.

  • Fonts & sizes – Configure fonts and sizing for the editor and UI.

  • Auto-completion – Customize autocomplete settings.

There’s also a thriving user community producing custom plugins that further extend the editor’s capabilities.

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Serato Studio Serial key 2.0.2 Free Full Activated

Editplus for Web Development

Es Computing Editplus Activation key has many advantages for front-end web development:

  • Speed – The lightweight design makes it faster than heavier IDEs for quickly editing HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • FTP support – Manually edit files directly on a web server over FTP.

  • Language support – Full syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and more.

  • Error checking – Configurable syntax error auto-checking.

  • Spellchecking – Proof web copy directly within the editor.

  • Macros – Automate repetitive processes like minifying JavaScript.

For client-side coding and tweaking HTML and CSS, Editplus provides a fast and streamlined coding environment.

The main downsides compared to web IDEs are the lack of debugging tools and limited refactoring capabilities. But the fast performance makes Editplus ideal for rapid iterations.

Using Editplus for General Text Editing

Beyond its coding capabilities, Full version crack Es Computing Editplus works as an efficient text editor for any type of document thanks to features like:

  • Fast text searching and replacing – including regex support. Great for finding/replacing across multiple files.

  • Clipboard history – Easily re-access recently copied text snippets.

  • Support for major text formats – like plain text (.txt), comma separated (.csv), and more.

  • Document map – Get an instant outline overview of your document.

  • Spellcheck – Catch typos as you type.

For editing logs, notes, Markdown documents and other text files, Editplus provides a fast and feature-rich editing experience.

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N Track Studio Suite Keygen Free Download

Editplus Pricing and Licensing

Es Computing Editplus Activation key is affordably priced for a full-featured editor:

  • Free trial – Fully featured 30-day trial

  • Standard – $59 after trial for personal use

  • Professional – $79 after trial for commercial use

It uses a traditional perpetual license model – you pay a single fee for ongoing use without subscriptions. Volume and academic licensing are available for groups and schools.

Compared to monthly subscriptions of cloud IDEs, the one-time fee makes Editplus very affordable long term while still receiving updates and support.

Pros and Cons of Using Editplus

Advantages of Editplus

  • Lightweight and fast compared to bulkier IDEs
  • Affordable one-time payment license model
  • Extensive programming language support out of the box
  • Active user community forums provide support
  • Highly customizable editor interface
  • Broad compatibility with code and text files

Disadvantages of Editplus

  • Lacks some heavyweight IDE features like debugging
  • No collaborative editing options
  • Fairly limited refactoring capabilities
  • Aging interface less slick than modern editors
  • Windows only, no macOS or Linux support

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WizTree Keygen 4.17 Enterprise Multilingual Full

Alternatives to Editplus

Here are some top alternative code editors if Es Computing Editplus Activation key doesn’t seem like the right fit:


Notepad++ is an open source text and code editor for Windows with similar features and scope to Editplus. It’s completely free and extendable with plugins. Downsides are fewer built-in features and less polish.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text offers a modern, elegant interface with speedy performance and a robust package ecosystem to extend its capabilities. The unlimited free trial makes it easy to try.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a hugely popular free editor from Microsoft. It’s open source and has a vast extension marketplace. Great for web development and more. More powerful than Editplus but also more complex.

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Verdict – Who Should Use Editplus?

In summary, Es Computing Editplus Activation key excels as an affordable, customizable, and lightweight text and code editor. The one-time license fee makes it accessible for many users. It lacks some bells and whistles of pricier IDEs but makes up for it with speed and usability.

It’s a great choice if you want a fast editor that “just works” for coding and text editing. The extensive language support covers most common uses out of the box. And custom plugins provide options for extending the features.

Long-time Editplus users continue to stick with it thanks to familiarity with the interface and appreciation of the affordable upgrade pricing.

If you want a lightweight and capable text editor with robust coding support, give Editplus a try with the free trial to see if it suits your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Editplus

Is Editplus free?

Editplus offers a fully featured 30-day free trial. After the trial it requires purchasing a license – either $59 for Standard personal use or $79 for Professional commercial use. It is a one-time flat fee with no ongoing subscriptions.

What programming languages does Editplus support?

Editplus provides built-in syntax highlighting for dozens of languages including C/C++, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, Markdown and more. Users can also add custom syntax support for other languages.

Is Editplus good for web development?

Es Computing Editplus Activation key is a fast, lightweight editor well suited to web development. It excels at editing HTML, CSS and JavaScript with syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and powerful text editing features. The built-in FTP browser also streamlines editing files on a web server. Downsides compared to full-featured IDEs are lack of debugging and automated refactoring.

Does Editplus work on Mac?

No, Editplus is only available for Windows. Some alternative options for macOS include TextMate, BBEdit, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code.

Is Editplus still being updated?

Yes, Es Computing Editplus Free download continues to see active development. The latest major release was Editplus 5 in 2022, which added an updated UI, new file format support, and other improvements. The developers continue to regularly update the software with bug fixes and maintenance releases.

Es Computing Editplus Activation key


Es Computing Editplus Download free is a versatile and customizable text and code editor for Windows that strikes a great balance between features and lightweight speed. It excels as an affordable option for users who want a capable editor without the complexity of fuller IDEs.

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